Weekly Updates for Luther Memorial Church
Little Things | May 23, 2020
“So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat, and drink, and enjoy themselves…” (Ecc 8:15).
The write of Ecclesiastes has everything: houses, servants, gardens. He is the richest man on earth and yet none of it brings happiness. In fact, the more he has, the more pointless life seems to be. A key word in Ecclesiastes is the Hebrew word hevel, which is translated “vanity.” Hevel means a short or shallow breath, it is the fragility associated with life.
All of us know how fragile life is. Because of this, we too often try to inhale as much of it as we can. Unfortunately, we think that life is contained in things or experiences on our “bucket list.” These things are only poor substitutes for what really matters, namely, love, faith, work, family, and friends.
During this time of COVID-19, many things have been taken from us. And yet, the one thing that matters most we still have, namely, our lives. Not only has God created us to live, but Jesus died to redeem our lives so that we would life for eternity. As long as you have breath in your lungs, choose to live by calling a friend, eating a good meal, listening to music, working on a task, or saying a prayer. In doing these simple things you are taking a breath of life. The best part, you can do these things with or without a mask.
With love,
Pastor Russ
ONLINE WORSHIP – This weekend’s sermon is titled: “Redemption.” This will be the conclusion of our series on Ruth. The link to the service is available on YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtgP2MK7oHE
OUTDOOR WORSHIP SERVICE w/ DRIVE-THRU COMMUNION (Service at 10:30; Drive-thru communion from 10:50-11:30) – We will gather in the student center parking lot (in our cars) at 10:30 and have a brief service: confession and absolution, gospel reading, sermon, creed, prayer, words of institution, and benediction. Drive-thru communion follows the service.
COFFEE & CATECHISM (Monday @ 7 pm) – Make a cup of decaf coffee, check-in, and learn about the Catechism with Dr. Ken Jones over Zoom at 7:00 PM. Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/700369410?pwd=dmJCKzFGcFcvYzZ6NGdhK1lSNThzQT09
Password: Hjemad
PRAYER @ the PLAZA (Wednesdays @ 11 am) – A small group of faculty and staff gather in the chapel on Wednesday’s at 11:00 am to pray for the campus and community. If you would like us to pray for you are a loved one, feel free to go to our web page and submit a prayer petition: https://luthermemorialdsm.org/prayer-requests/