Sunday Service Update
Dear Congregation,
Governor Reynolds announced new COVID-19 mitigation efforts for the next 30 days. The new proclamation requires mask-wearing and social distancing for indoor crowds of 25 or more people.
This Sunday we were planning to move indoors. However, we have decided to offer a “Parking Lot Service” instead. This means we will offer worship where people can stay in their cars for the service. It is important to remember that since March we have made the following worship transitions:
“Drive-thru Communion” (March and April)
“Parking Lot Service” (April and May)
“Outdoor Worship” (June – November)
During this time, we had a Palm Sunday car procession, an Easter service with trumpets, fellowship in our cars, and a glorious summer together. In addition, we have started an online worship ministry on YouTube that is growing in reach. Just today, I received a check from an 80-year old Lutheran woman in rural Iowa who watches our service weekly. We are doing well with our budget and look to finish the year in a strong position. Well done! Even more, you have demonstrated patience, humor, grace, and commitment through these days.
For this Sunday, and most likely the remaining Sundays in November, we will offer a “Parking Lot Service” at 10:30 in the parking lot on the westside of the Humphrey building. In order to have a little fun, when you park you will not only receive a bulletin and communion, you will also receive an individually wrapped treat for after worship.
Remember, you are Vikings and Christians which make you strong and resilient. With the Holy Spirit upon us and Christ as our guide we will honor God, love our neighbor, and get through this.
With love,
Pastor Russ