In Memory of Arlene Garred

Dear Congregation, 

Early yesterday morning, our beloved friend Arlene Garred died. Her daughter Rose said that the previous day was a full day for her mom as Arelene visited friends, attended chapel, and much more. 

During one of my last visits with Arlene, she asked if the church construction project was completed. I told her, “Yes.” She said, “Good because my funeral must be at Luther Memorial.” 

We will pass on to you the memorial plans once they are made. It most likely will be mid-September so the family can gather. Please keep them in your prayers.

Finally, let us stand in the tremendous promise that is so beautifully articulated in the hymn, 

Our Father Has LIght In His Window: Our Father has light in His window, It beckons through storm and gloom And, beaming with loving-kindness, It bids us come home, come home! 

Arlene is home.

With love,

Pastor Russ