a small message from Pastor Bob
“For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” Ephesians 2:10
In the pocket of my pants, I carry around with me a small token that on one side has the image of the cross, and on the other an inscription that simply states, “Eph 2:10.” The image of the cross is, of course, a reminder of what God has done for you and for me in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, who graciously gave his own life so that we could receive forgiveness, salvation, and new life through faith in the promise of Christ Jesus. The verse above is a reminder for me of who I am, who you are, to whom we belong, in whom we live, and the new life to which you and I have been called as a people of faith in Christ Jesus. It is no small thing to be called to a life of faith, as it is a blessing and a privilege, yet a life that also comes with a call to love and honor God with all our hearts and minds, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to express and demonstrate our trust and love of God, by loving neighbors through both our good words, and our good works for those who need them, and caring for this world God has entrusted to us.
As you consider your own calls to faith and how to serve our Lord in this world and community, we are having an important meeting on Sunday, November 14th, after church, to talk about how several of our ministry teams can be reestablished. Because of the pandemic, in particular, our Mercy Committee, Social/Care Ministry, and Health and Wellness teams are being restarted and could use your help in our work together. One area of our congregation that will especially be addressed is the formation of a new Stephen Ministry/visitation committee, which will consist of several volunteers who would like to visit several of our members, who for various reasons can no longer attend worship on a regular basis or at all. Please take some time to consider how you can help. Pastor Lackey and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, November 14th.
Once again, it is my great pleasure to have been asked to be your Associate Pastor, to work together with both our staff and congregation, for the good of the Gospel we proclaim, and to help where I am needed.
Pastor Bob