Volunteering is a great way to get plugged into your church, feel like part of a community, and serve Jesus at the same time. God has uniquely equipped every person in the Church with specific skills and gifts. As Christians, we are tasked with utilizing these gifts in our community and within our local church. Volunteering has a spiritual benefit as well. By volunteering, an individual will often want to dive deeper into the life of the church. At the same time, they serve not only as a helping hand but also as a witness of the Gospel message within the community.
However, while many may want to give of their time, it can be difficult to align schedules and balance other obligations. So while the desire to volunteer may exist, people often run into roadblocks that prevent them from giving of their time. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive list of different volunteer opportunities for Luther Memorial that will help engage our volunteers in creative ways.
Holiday and Special Occasion
Property & Garden Management
Short-term Commitment
Holiday and Special Occasion Events
One-time events are ideal volunteer opportunities for those whose busy schedules don’t allow them to commit weekly. Christmas and Easter services tend to take more hands to pull together all the details, and numerous volunteers are needed. Normal Sunday volunteer roles are multiplied; more greeters, more children’s ministry volunteers, and more parking attendants.
Short-Term Commitment
We offer many short-term commitment opportunities like serving communion, reading scripture, and nursery attendants, office assistance, ushering & fellowship server, and many other services.
Property & Garden Management
There are also many opportunities to volunteer to aid in the management of our property and gardens. We will provide all of the necessary materials to conduct the projects around the property, all we require is that volunteers dress appropriately for the weather and activity.